News as of 03.04.2024

03.04.2024: Lakeward strenghens its management team

Remo Allgäuer appointed Chief Investment Officer | Tobias Baur new Head of Investment Management

Two long-standing Lakeward employees are taking on new roles and responsibility as of 1 April 2024.

Remo Allgäuer is appointed as Chief Investment Officer with immediate effect and will take over responsibility for the strategic investment management and the acquisition of new investment opportunities. Together with Simon Koenig, CEO, he will drive forward Lakeward’s business development. Remo Allgäuer has been a member of the senior management team since February 2018. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Engineering and Management and previously spent his career as senior analyst and risk manager at a major international bank. Jens Tetzlaff hands over the CIO to Remo Allgäuer and remains responsible as Head Project Financing and general manager of the German subsidiary Lakeward Deutschland GmbH.

Tobias Baur has been promoted to Head of Investment Management as of 1 April 2024. Tobias Baur will lead the operational investment team and takes the oversight for Lakeward’s development portfolio. Tobias holds a Bachelor of Science in Engineering and Management and a Master of Science in Real Estate and has extensive experience in property development and asset management.

Simon Koenig commented: “We are very proud to hand over more responsibility to Remo and Tobias, which will enable them to continue to contribute significantly to Lakeward’s future success.”

Lakeward’s senior management team holds four members: Simon Koenig (CEO), Martin Rechsteiner (CFO/COO), Remo Allgäuer (CIO), Jens Tetzlaff (Managing Director Lakeward Deutschland GmbH).

With this step, Lakeward reiterates its commitment to property developments and active asset management and strengthens its management team  to benefit  from the current market dislocation as a buying opportunity.